Yesterday's half day workshop attended by the Board, the CEO, and senior staff of Waterfront Auckland and Auckland Council concluded the peer review of the WA's Climate Change Adaptation Pathway. The selected peer review panel:
- Professor Martin Manning – Victoria University Climate Change Research Institute
- Dr Rob Bell – Principal Scientist, NIWA
- Judy Lawrence – Adjunct Research Associate, Victoria University Climate Change Research Institute
- Bernd Gundermann – Urbia Group
New Zealand's leading climate scientists contributed the latest available findings about expected sea-level rise and Bernd translated these data into the context of urban response. The lively discussion about complex data, environmental challenges, and development opportunities will help to set up a planning framework for a resilient world-class waterfront in times of environmental uncertainty. Waterfront Auckland is leading the way for other members of the council family. This peer review initiates a series of further advisory activities in order to stay on top of future development.