Bernd's latest piece has been published in the book Construire avec l'immatériel on 24 May 2018 in Paris' prestigious Gallimard publishing house. The book is edited by Jana Revedin. Other contributors are: Marie-Hélène Contal, Teddy Cruz, Jan Gehl, Kengo Kuma, and Werner Sobek. It has been released in Gallimard's series Manifestô - Alternatives. At a price of EUR 17.00 the paperback addresses especially students and graduates.
Bernd's chapter When Reason will Dream Again examines the future of architecture and urbanism in the face of climate change. His thesis: architecture has been too deeply engrained into the failing Modernist model and is rather part of the problem than of a solution. Architecture and architects need to retrieve a new, post-secular thinking to contribute meaningfully to a resilient urban future. Fortunately there already are trailblazers to lead the way.